
This website aims to gather resources concerning historical weaponry and their manufacturing methods, or at the very least the best guesses as to how they were made. To this end, articles will cover both museum visits as a whole but also detailed articles about specific topics or items displayed in these visits.

These articles will tend towards scientific explanations and cover the physical properties of materials as well as design analyses from an engineering point of view. This is my particular interest in the matter but I hope the material will be accessible to any reader, and dare I hope enjoyable.

I graduated with a bachelors in mechanical engineering from the University of Ottawa and a Masters in the same domain. I hold a certification from the Naval Archaeological Society (NAS) of Ontario to map shipwreck in the St-Lawrence and have done so for a few summers. I’ve always had a passion for both building things with my hands and history as a whole and as such I built a forge in my backyard, well a few forges now. Visiting museums is something that’s ingrained in my psyche and sadly I’m starting to find that exhibits never have enough information on the display, hopefully this website can help others who are looking for something more!

The site is currently a bit bare, I’ll eventually get this show on the road!
François Proulx

Your Author Giving a Seminar on Aerospace Composite Manufacturing

Your Author Giving a Seminar on Aerospace Composite Manufacturing

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